Friday, May 4, 2007

"Come on let's twist again!"

David and Sharon regard twisting asanas very highly, though they caution they are also the most dangerous. They reiterated over and over again that is so important to remember to KEEP THE SACRUM SACRED! Meaning, it is imperative to always stabilize the pelvis and not allow it to twist. There are lots of bad things that happen when you do twist your sacrum. such as tearing in the ligaments and even lead to paralysis (not to scare you!), so it is always important to ensure that the hips are stable in all twists.

We went through a bunch of ways we, as yoga teachers, can help the students keep their hips stable. Basically, using either hands, legs, or feet, we can limit the movement of the pelvis and ground the student in preparation for the actual twist.

Even though they are somewhat dangerous, twists are powerful because they are so potent. David referenced the twisting force in nature -- look at whirlpools, tornadoes, even our own DNA. So when in a twisting asana, you assume the shape of this twisting force and hence take on its potency. Physiologically, twists wring out the organs (especially wringing out the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver and spleen), get things in the digestive tract to move (very helpful for indigestion and constipation), and twist the spine (strengthening the spine and deep muscles and making them more flexible).

Towards the end of the lesson, David had us stand at the front of our mats in tadasana, and said he wanted to have us do one last thing...............then, he put on Chubby Checker's "TWIST" song and joined us in showing off the dancing kind of twist! What a hoot!

Come on let's twist again, like we did last summer. Come on let's twist again, like we did last year. Do you remember when, twisting time was coming. Come on let's twist again, twisting time is here. So round and round and up and down, and low again. Oh baby let me know, you love me so and then, come on lets twist again, like we did last summer. Come on let's twist again, like we did last year. Let's twist. So round and round and up and down, below again. Oh baby let me know, you love me so and then, lets twist again, like we did last summer. Come on let’s twist again, like we did last year. Come on let’s twist again, twisting time is here, whap whap. ---Chubby Checker

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